Project „Practising Traditional Astrologers“

Project for a new series for the channel – – with practising Traditional Astrologers (without the outer planets).

The aim is, to provide insights into the practise of delineation of Traditional Astrologers today, comparable to S. Belle’s notebooks – An Astrologer at Work in Late Medieval France: The Notebooks of S. Belle –

Instead of a notebook – the idea is a delination-video per episode by the Astrologer, where the chart is completely delineated according to the tradition used.

The amount of time might be in the neighbourhood of 180 minutes per video.

We are looking to find English-speaking partners for this project.


Volker H. Schendel – Ministerialrat i.R.  – Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist – An der Bismarckschule 16 – D – 30173 Hannover – Tel.:  0511 640 9 136 –